Thursday, 26 April 2012

MONDAY 16th of April - The Loris Malaguzzi International Center

Beginning addressed by the Mayor Gratio Delrio
Quote from Socrates,
“Don't find a good educator of your son but a good educator of ourselves.”
“Always answer a question with a question.”

Foundation in Reggio Emilia means:
Crossing boundries

The mayor spoke about the philosophical approach of Reggio, rather than the impact of this approach on Reggio Emilia. These are the quotes most relevant.
“From a learning styles perspective it is the contamination of each other”.
“When you are listening attentive you are telling the children you are important.”
“Respect, listening and time will have an impact on the school and community.”
“When you are in contact with people who love you, you find it easier to love others.”

In the government strategic planning where is the place for education (Australia's record is very good).


Photos were not permitted after this point

MADDELENA TEDESCHI A series of encounters 
Maddelena feels like the heart and soul of Reggio She is the Pedagogista of 3-6 of the International Pre-school at Loris Malaguzzi and Rodari Infant Toddler Center.
The experience will be beautiful if we learn to collaborate and share our experiences together.

She is a lot of fun. She is one of the main coordinators of the event.
The way she speaks reminds me I have got to learn to talk like this to parents to intertwine the parents and 'intertwine their stories'.

- When we speak we are really aware we are a part of a big team of people.
ONE CITY MANY PEOPLE is a new book coming out by Carla Rinaldi
- To hope for possible futures together to build together reciprocally beautifully the possible worlds we inhabit.
- We start an attempt to read, analysis a sense of community, to analysis the dynamics that make up the living in this community.
- It is an experiment in pedagogy. This experiment involves the entire community.
- Crossing boundries is an attempt to be together! To be interdisciplinary, crossing fields of knowledge, bringing together different theories of knowledge of science and human knowledge and intertwining them. These are intimately connected, there is an osmosis between these things, science and human knowledge in fact schools separate them although we feel they belong together and are the foundation of what we do. 

-The ability to transform things, transformation and transformational, constantly everyday building dialogue that is based on listening and building relations with others. Transformation, as a part of our genetic makeup as pedagogistas. Pedagogical practice can't just conform to officially approved models we must constantly be aware of the role of dialogue in the role of economics, art and politics. 

- Our environments reflects our city trying to make places to meet together to build dialogue, talk and exchange - such as the piazza that is in every infant toddler and preschool learning centre. This is included in our designs representing the public place where people can come together, a place where people see each other. This is fundamental to our designs, our designs of learning places that include places for exchange as part of the transformation.

- Children are citizens of the community from the very beginning. Building a prospect for the children for tomorrow, creating a community that can strengthen and mobilize it's future investment. We design spaces and if children are happy and healthy in those places (spaces) then the community will be also happy and healthy in these places. This is our measure

Teachers need be Sensitive
Whose gaze has not been binale
Capable of surprise in front of the object shared
Looking observing
Continuing to ask questions
Can see the metaphor
Open to failure

Very small children are capable of interpretations of experiences to reflect upon. For 
example everyday the same experiences everyday the same surprises.

To make the inmaterlal material
To learn to this through documentation
To use an example of a photo and to make a close up of a portion of it and describe it in greater details

We contextualise that our approach is not only educational and pedagogical but also anthropological, political, cultural, economic and philosophical.

Each child has enormous potential for constructing and building their own knowledge, feelings - OUR APPROACH IS AN INSPIRATION


A Way of Seeing

- Viewing children in the same way we view men and women



A pact an agreement

Each individual is powerful

People  - have their lifeforce their own energy
- nourished by their relations with others
- have their own way of meeting the object the thing differently
- their own characteristics
- borm with a mind capable of connecting things

These understandings have caused a shift in their thinking - seeing people constantly engaging, seeking meaning examples in gestures and languages.

We try to make visible the ways in which children know
Schools need to connect to these connections find forms of organisation to discover:
- underlying values of this collegate work
- shared responsibility
- viewing each others point of view and discussion
- listening
- concentrating
- observing
- documenting
- collaborating
- imitating
- waiting for each other
A reference points for each individual in the group -child, teacher, parent> a journey of construction of daily life - creating moments of reflection together> moments where a child reaches out for correspondence> and a correspondence of relation with the world > where there is no heirearchy for different parts of the day> many different equal competencies set throughout the day>

Spaces - are not neutral
- are apart of the group / project
- make visible our interactions, intentions
- participate in the education
- are apart of our research, researching the people inhabiting it
- the kitchen has great value

This is part of the DNA of the Reggio Approach
We attempt to go beyond the theory of pedagogy it's rather an epistemology of humankind, not separate but in relation to each other

Children are not neutral to each other but learn to reach out and are drawn towards each other. We start to work on a trajectory in the neuroscience, wearing together a fabric of understanding.

Viewing Spaces in REGGIO centres, notes from conference slide show:

Display in Reggio Children exhibit

Photo from the Rodari Infant Toddler Centre - Winter Garden

Use of recycled materials and projectors for model making
Objects that are weird and were even weird for their time (70’s)

Shelters where children can stay alone without the presence of a teacher
Rooms for children to watch themselves and each other
Mirrors, light projectors, video projectors, light tables and/or slide projectors
Bays or baskets that are designed for the purpose of children sitting within them!
Many furniture is now designed for the purpose either with parents or industry
Books high on wall above mirrors
Sheets of Perspex used as gates to collect light
Piazzas are in every centre derived from the concept o town centres of Reggio – a place to met other
children to dialogue and exchange
Mirrors to reflect multiple light sources
Materials places in glass or plastic containers on wire industrial racks
Lights that are moveable interchangeable with possibility to be hung from chains or fishing wire from the ceiling
with large extension cords
Volume of the school highlighted with multiple platforms
Walkways between multiple platforms
Industrial and metal materials for play and construction
Mirrored tables and chairs
Many different ateliers, one per room – a place dedicated to expressive languages
The whole school an atelier
Place for possibilities in small groups
All areas characterised by transparencies
Plants used as screens hanging by pots from wooden frames
Plants in large wooden boxes creating screen
4 main types of indoor plants used
indoor nests big enough for 6 children
indoor gym mats of varying sizes shelves of mats
in grand piazza children create grand constructions
wooden lower level tiering in front of mirrors main meeting area, all areas have them

Via Cecati 3/2 Municipal Infant – toddler Centre
3 classes – children 6 – 36 months
Building designed as an infant toddler centre by the same architect as the Loris Malaguzzi International Center and State Preschool, Tullio ZINI

 Arriving at the Rodari Centre

Cecilia welcomed us into the centre and introduced the centre she has worked there for 8 years.

Most teachers working in the centre for over 10 years

Entering the centre in the piazza there are large windows from the floor up till two levels and the piazza has the dress up rings in the centre large plants that have grown there for some time, there is an overhead walkway away from the main entrance, I find out later that this connects the whole centre and all rooms. There are many wired strings coming from the roof to create the possibility of many hanging objects, not all are in use.

Cecila: ‘ The entrance must supply space for all – MINE – YOURS – OURS, the place must have respect for everyone”.
first I notice a mobile made out of an IKEA cultery container and some poles

Diagram 1

 “ each classroom an atelier, a winter garden and a focus on natural light, a ladder, a slide and a level showing the world from upstairs. NEW LEVELS“

Project Actionies – sand light box – food stores, songs – Lullabies of the city (connections to different family backgrounds.

There is a lot of documentation on the walls in the piazza commemorating the centre.

This is what I read:

“Use of the values… friendliness, visibility, cooperation, complexity, welcomes permanent wishes to text themselves; challenge the usual, to be optomistic, and researchers. In designing… the power of simplicity is searched for…”

“ The encounters qualify themselves as able to raise children’s curiosity within complex cognitive processes within relations not obvious but at the same time pleasant, inviting tempting where the beauty, the aesthetics become shapes of intelligences and knowledge towards the new.”

In the rooms I noticed lots of documentation of kids dancing with light through different times, photos of rooms overtime.

Diagram 2
Cones of acetate with words on the outside, inside photos laminated of children cooking just outside the kitchen. In the kitchen an IKEA rack with places for recipes. These are hung in A4 folders with rocks at the bottom to balance the folder

Diagram 3
“Crystals in front of the windows – graphics are important, they have different languages”

Diagram 4

Lots of low platforms arranged, they have small objects set up on them with great possibilities. These platforms could be used as tables in our room.

Diagram 5
The slide with the rail between the stairs

Diagram 6

The Corridor has instruments set up to invite play

Diagram 7

Wooden board with bolted in cooking rack and instruments that can be altered and hanging
wire Perspex shelving

Many layered fabrics under the stairs creating a disorientating effect of space near the slide creating a veil of possibilities

Diagram 8

Enclosed IKEA clear perspex boxes to place objects in display

Soft Boxes are great, made out of fabric!

String taped to the floor creating many different possibilities of gathering groups of children together, the ropes is accompanied by a display of students using this rope in different ways and their quotes.

Diagrams 9

Cones can be used to create different levels, plant trays of all different sizes – 16 trays.

Diagrams 10


Mirrored cardboard in the same room the winter garden collecting sound of the intentional dripping roof.

Materials in the room from Ash Keating –recycled bottles melted, old car visors.
Collection of materials that can be exposed to water, such as rocks, crystals, plastic containers, water collected on top of the containers dripping from the roof. Multiple containers, large rocks in the room.
Diagram 11

The philosophy and the environment will bring about great thinkers and creative children.

Diagram 12

The roofs are really interesting they let water in they gather materials and mould. Hang from these roofs dry branches, simplicity is evident, the floor gathers water and sounds as dishes and pots collect the water, pots, and buckets fill full of water. How are things organised?

6:00 – 6:30

“It is important the sharing of documentation in order to gain more perspectives.”

“It is very beautiful to review the documentation with the students.”

“After 30 years I will always need to learn more about documentation.”

“Children don’t necessarily re-order the room, it is with disorder that children know themselves, they need to learn how to TAKE CARE, take care of each other and their things.”

“ Families come into school after school to work on materials for the school. The chef feeds families also.”

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